What if you could go through an intricate dental procedure, like a root canal or wisdom teeth extraction, without experiencing the pain, discomfort, or passage of time? It’s not just wishful thinking! At Alan P. Nohr DDS, we feel privileged to be your local sedation dentist in Redmond, WA. Our treatments come with the option of comfortable, secure, and effective sedation dentistry to make the entire experience completely stress-free. Patients who benefit the most from sedation are those who:

  • Experiences fear or heightened anxiety during dental visits
  • Struggle with a severe gag reflex, complicating procedures
  • Will be undergoing treatment requiring extended hours to complete
  • Finds it hard to sit still for prolonged periods
  • Has difficulty achieving and maintaining numbness from anesthetics


Dentist sedation includes various techniques that safely reduce anxiety, induce amnesia, and eliminate the gag reflex during dental care. Benefits include: 

  • No memory of the procedure taking place
  • Nonexistent sense of time while under sedation 
  • Being unaware of smells or sounds
  • Elimination of fear or anxiety during treatment
  • A dental experience that’s relaxed and devoid of stress

Patients often describe dental procedures with sedation dentistry as simple and straightforward, giving them complete peace of mind.


At our practice, there’s no need for concern about sedation dentistry. We’re licensed by the American Dental Association and maintain a respectful, professional environment at all times. Dental sedation is regulated by law and offers three sedative states: mild sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation.


Minimal Sedation (Anxiolysis):

This lightest form of dental sedation suits patients with mild anxiety, shorter procedures, or less complex situations. It involves oral sedatives like Halcion or Nitrous oxide (laughing gas), inducing relaxation or drowsiness while patients remain awake. Recovery is typically quick, within a few hours post-procedure.


Moderate Sedation (Conscious Sedation):

Ideal for moderate dental anxiety, longer appointments, or complex procedures, this technique employs light IV sedation. Patients stay awake but deeply relaxed. It’s crucial to have someone accompany you due to the lasting effects, making driving unsafe immediately afterward.


There are several methods for reliably dispensing sedatives:


  • Inhalation (Nitrous Oxide): Common for mild to moderate anxiety. Recovery is quick, allowing for normal activities post-appointment.
  • Oral Sedation: Involves taking a prescription pill about an hour before the appointment, inducing relaxation and a limited memory of the procedure.
  • Dental IV Sedation: Administered intravenously, it’s combined with oral sedation for maximum relaxation. Patients feel “asleep” during the procedure, with no memory afterward. This is our most effective sedation method.


We’re proud to be one of the few clinics licensed to provide moderate sedation in the Redmond area. Dr. Nohr is an experienced sedation dentist, prioritizing your comfort and safety throughout every procedure.

Schedule Your Consultation for a Comfortable Dental Experience

For those interested in sedation dentistry, contact us today to ask questions and schedule a consultation. Our knowledgeable team will discuss available methods, tailoring an approach for your unique needs to ensure a highly positive, productive, and stress-free dental experience.

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